About Me

Brooklyn, New York
I am a 42 year old woman who has totally let her self go. Mentally, Emotionally and Physically. I look in the mirror and don't like what I see, in the last 5 years I have put on almost 40 lbs. I am tired of having no energy, nothing to wear and feeling insecure. It's over! This is my battle cry!

Monday, December 15, 2008

No More Excuses...

There's a few things I've learned about myself when it comes to food; I Am An Emotional Eater!!! If I become sad or angry the first place I go is to the refrigerator. When I'm bored, it's straight to food, as if it is a cure all.

Alcohol: I love my glasses of red wine and beer, as if the calories alone aren't enough it also makes me hungry. Not Good! And my worst bad habit is late night eating, the only way I can accomplish my goal is to change my lifestyle without any excuses. This is the hardest part, however I know this is the only way to reach my target weight and maintain that weight.

Eating Out: is another big problem for me, living and working in NYC I've dicovered that a big portion of our culture is dining out at the most trendy restaurants and everything revolves around dinner. Not to mention how costly this behavior can be. I am stoked to start changing my life, but as another character flaw I sometimes have problems with staying consistant.

These are the reason why I made conscience decision to work on not just my BODY but my MIND and SOUL. This is something that has to be done and I am determined to accomplish these goals. Til next time.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

You can see I like to stay hidden, I am not proud of what I've become. As I finish getting last minute things together like free weights, swiss ball and yoga dvd. For the exercise portion of my program and yes I already have a workout video which I will lay out everything I use to reach my goal.

I also have a menu and shopping list that I have to complete because my kitchen is filled with nothing but junk food and fatty foods. I will make sure that you are privy to all the videos, books, exercising equipment, diet/menu and my daily struggles. Well it's 2:00 in the morning and I have to work tomorrow, so I'll see you guys later.

Time for change...

My body can't take it any more, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 6 years ago. Since then I have added over 40 lbs to my 5"1 frame. I currently weigh 175 lbs, what a load. When your short and over weight there's no such thing as wearing it well. I look like a circle. The part that bothers me the most, oops; Did I say bother? I meant to say depresses me the most is that I used to be a vibrant, muscular and active person. Now I'm feel as though I'm just existing. It's time for me to take charge of my life and revamp my physical and mental well being.

I am currently working for a company that is slowly going under. We as a company have dwindled down to about 10 people that used to have about 350 employees plus temps. Now the few that are left are over worked for less money. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention most of us have taken a pay cut? Well I'm getting off track here, I brought my employment up because I most likely will be out of a job soon and in the job market. Now here's where my fear comes in; I am a soon to be 43 year old women who is over weight and interviewing for employment. It's hard enough for middle age people, especially women to find work at my age, at least in our chosen field.

My energy level is so low, because with this diagnosis comes chronic fatigue and the weight makes it ten times worse. I must admit that a lot of the way feel stems from vanity, I HATE WHAT I SEE IN THE MIRROR!!!!!

With all that said I am determined to loose this 40 lbs, tone up and cleanse my soul for 2009. I want to share this experience with you and hope that when it's all over we can share ideas, goals and dreams which in the end will help us all.

Please feel free to comment and participate in my journey to better health.